• Download FREE start-up kit @ How to Start
  • DownLoad Application forms @ Application Forms
  • Downlaod 1 Minute Promo Video @
  • If you are the pastor of your church, challenge your members to be trained. Your promotion of the school is critical to is success.
  • Appoint a respected facilitator with administrative gifting, if you are not yourself available.
  • If you are not the pastor of your church, show and submit all materials to your local pastor for approval and support.
  • Pray and seek God about your personal involvement with the ISOM. Remember that this is more than a program; it is discipleship, and consequently must be directed by His Spirit.
  • Upon approval from your local pastor, begin to promote the ISOM to people in your church, or to those who you know will be interested.


  • Understand: ISOM is a Church Based Training Curriculum. It is our principal that every local church be a place of training. The Pastor himself is involved in the discipleship and leadership training of the flock that God has entrusted him. Mentoring Believers to Maturity and developing skills in his members so the ministry God has entrusted can effectively grow.
  • Promote your Vision: Equipping the Saints for Ministry and Church Planting. Then promote ISOM to your congregation. Recruit at least 10 people from your church. The pastor may be student and administrator at the same time. We suggest you recruit more. Email us for FREE, step-by-step, start-up materials including promotional videos.
  • Get all potential students to sign up after Church Service. Get their names and contact#. The pastor may be student and administrator at the same time.
  • Invite all who signed up to attend Registration Meeting, where they will fill up their registration forms, be informed of time and venue for their classes and their registration fees collected.
  • Print out 2 church application forms and as many student application forms as needed and make those available to potential students.
  • Depending on your location, we'd love to personally launch your School in combo with a 1-Day Seminar. We can answer any questions the students may have and train the school/class facilitator/administrator, but we have video’s that can do that training, if distance is too far.


  • Develop your own style and schedule for your classes.
  • A dress code (print your own ISOM T-Shirt or purchase from us)
  • Punctual starting times are recommended.
  • Add group activities like community outreaches
  • Attendance for each class session needs to be recorded.
  • Set target date for level up/recognition/graduation day occation
  • Look over the Facilitators Guide (included with school materials) for further instructions.
  • Bathe everything in prayer as you begin your classes, and trust God to accomplish His purposes and plans throughout the lessons.


  • Upon completing the last Exam for a trimester, call and order the next trimester at least 2 weeks before your next start date.
  • Record students and grades using the formatted ECXEL spreadsheet in the included facilitator’s Guide.
  • Email the updated Spreadsheet to us at